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How to Create, Edit, and Delete W8 Users

This article will demonstrate how to create, edit, and delete w8 user accounts.


How to create W8 User account

To create a new user account navigate to Settings -> Security -> Users.


This will open the users window and display all the current users.

Here you have 3 options, Add, Open (Edit), Delete.


To add a new user, simply click Add and this will open a empty user window.

Enter the Name (Username, not case sensitive)

Select a profile of predefined permissions

Enter Password (case sensitive) and enter the same in the Confirm field


After entering the info from the previous step, the permissions window gets enabled.

Here you can enable/disable access to specific departments for the user and modify permission for specific modules in the software if the profile selected is giving to many permissions.

Permission Types:

Full (full access)

None (no access)

ReadOnly (can view but can't create or delete)

NoDelete (can create but can't delete)


The 'Additional Settings' tab has a few more option that might be useful and also lets you add a signature to the user that can be displayed on tickets if you have a Topaz signature pad connected to the software.


Once everything is set click save and the new user is created.


How to edit W8 users

To edit a user, select a user and click Open.


This will open the User window and you can modify the user info.

To change the password, simply update the password fields and click save.

If the passwords do not match it will display a warning.



How to delete W8 users

Similar to the edit section, select a user and click delete.


This will delete the user and to see deleted users click the 'Show Deleted' checkbox and it will display deleted users in red like it does in any other part of the software.


You can also select the deleted user and the delete button will turn into a recover button.

This allows you to reactivate the user.

This should cover everything on Users.