How to Setup Physical Cash Drawers

This article will show you how to connect physical cash drawers to you virtual cash drawer.

* (How to Setup Virtual Cash Drawers) needs to be completed first *

The provided link is the compatible cash drawer for ScaleIT.


Once the device is setup you can see the assigned COM port using the Device Manger and expanding the Ports section. In this example the cash drawers port is COM10.



Using what you have learned from the virtual cash drawer setup, navigate to the cash drawer control and check 'Connect to Cash Drawer on COM Port', select the correct COM port, and lastly enter the ASCII Command that will be sent to the cash drawer to open '0c01020304c5'.

* If the ASCII Command is not working get in contact with *


Once this is all set you can test using the Open Drawer button and the drawer should open after finishing cash tickets.